We got to spend two amazing days in Mesa Verde, first preserved with the passage of the 1906 Antiquities Act. Our first day in the park involved getting the lay of the land, reserving space on the Cliff Palace tour (a must), exploring Mesa Top Road and it’s various stops, and a very windy hike on the Point Look Out Trail.

On our second day in the park we got to explore a little more of the landscape on the Petroglyphs Trail and a little more of the history at the Chapin Mesa Archeological Museum before having the amazing experience of touring Cliff Palace with an NPS guide.

Mesa Verde has a multitude of archeological sites that can be viewed either from a far or through a guided tour by an NPS Ranger. Weather is a giant factor in whether or not these sites are accessible. Make sure to plan ahead if you are planning a trip to this incredible park!

Mesa Verde National Park is on the traditional and stolen land of the Dine Bikeyah, Pueblo, and Ute people.

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