The largest cave system in the entire world, Mammoth Cave has over 420 miles of explored, connected caves within its system. While not all of these miles are accessible to the general public, a variety of tours can take you through the most grandiose of the sections and really make you feel quite small. While the cave system may be mammoth due to its mileage, the expanse of these main chambers make you feel almost as though you are visiting a European Cathedral or a vaulted subway system. And if you would like to explore more than just the underground, miles of above ground trails afford you the opportunity to stretch your legs in the sunlight.

During our 2021 road trip, we had the incredible opportunity to tour not only some of the main chambers of Mammoth Cave on the River Styx tour but also another cave on the Mammoth Cave property. Having seen Wind Cave earlier that week, Mammoth Cave gave us an entirely different experience that would forever shift how we viewed these underground spaces.

Mammoth Cave National Park is on the traditional and stolen land of the Cherokee, Shawnee, and Yuchi people.

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