As a part of a larger trip to California in the spring of 2018, we visited the beautiful and magical Kings Canyon. Named by Spanish explorers who were the first Europeans to discover the river and canyon, the name references the Three Magi from the Bible. Among many other giant sequoias, the park is home to the world renowned General Grant Tree for which the park was originally named. When planning our trip we had to be conscious of snow because of the high elevations and the early April weather. While we had no issues regarding the snow other than some soaked through “waterproof” boots, it didn’t stop Mike from obsessively checking the weather. After getting information from the park ranger and purchasing maps for both Kings Canyon and Sequoia, we headed out. When we were finished ogling the sequoias around the General Grant Tree we headed off on the Sunset Trail, Dead Giant Loop, and the North Boundary Trail for some incredible adventures among giants.

Kings Canyon National Park is on the traditional and stolen land of the Western Mono people.

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